Safer Internet Day 2022

8th Feb 2022

Today, Tuesday 8th February 2022, is Safer Internet Day and how we can all play our part to have a safer internet.


The official theme for Safer Internet Day 2022 is “All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online”.


This is an opportunity for our pupils/students to consider key issues around the safe use of social media, and using kind words on the internet. It is also an opportunity for a high level of engagement with our school acceptable use policy for pupils/students.


Safer Internet Day is celebrated globally each year to promote the safe and positive use of digital technology for children and young people, and to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively.

In support of this campaign we would like to share with you a few resources. These can be found on this website by clicking on the following link:


These resources cover online safety tips for parents covering ages 6 to 14 plus. The resources are a great way for children and parent / carers to engage together and assist in those conversations around online use. The “golden rules” sheet should aid that conversation.